
Open Source Icons

Open Source Icons
Category: Design
Date: August 2, 2024
Author: flowafri_web

It feels like there’s always a new email client popping up, only to disappear after a brief burst of social media buzz—if it even gets launched. I’m always on the lookout for these new tools, hoping one will truly change how I handle my emails. Tempo caught my eye, and I’ve been using it full-time for the past four years.

Even though the product is now extinct, I am still amazed by it’s sleek user interface, simple icons design, the ability to schedule emails, which was an option available years before other even thought of implementing it, the ability to sort out email categories and the incredible focus mode.

Now that the sun has set, unfortunately on the software, the team behind has left us geeky designers some goodies as a departure gift. You may download them on this link.

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